About Us

About Policy Implementation Assisted Forum - PIaFO

Since introduced in 2021, the initiative which now is in its sixth edition, has created a midpoint platform for public and private sector players, especially in the telecoms and ICT sector to address pressing policy concerns with vigor and chart ways for sustainable growth of the sector. As a stakeholder with the commitment to continue to contribute to the development and sustainability of the policy environment in Nigeria, PIAFo remains devoted to its mandates of policy advocacy, promotion and assessment.

Our Actions

Bridging consultative gaps in policy formulation

Coordinating constructive policy dialogues

Stimulating stakeholders’ collaborations on policies

Offering insights on policy direction

Driving policies to fruition

Delivering values across board


Total Editions


Speakers and panelists


Hybrid attendees


Media mentions

Policy Implementation Assisted Forum (PIAFo) ensures that critical stakeholders who will be part of executing a policy are also part of the process of formulating it in order to make the implementation as seamless as possible. We work with partners across various sectors to connect the dots and create the needed synergy for building a working policy environment that delivers values for all.